Who says it has to all match exactly to look great?
Many unique and beautiful tablescapes are composed of mismatched plates, cups and bowls, with the matching geared towards a specific theme rather than an exact pattern match. In the case of the above setting, this is a table presentation for a summer brunch made up of pieces I specifically enjoy, for one reason or another, even though technically, they were not made for each other.
A trend being favored by many upscale restaurants and bistros, purposefully mismatching tableware is seen to create a visual aeshetic designed to be as mouth-watering and eclectic as the entre and menu. Why not flex your creative muscles and personally craft a table setting that makes your own heart sing!
Most designers will tell you when it comes to combining tableware patterns you should work with a neutral canvas. Often, a white or off-white tablecloth, then add highlights with gold or silver cutlery and clear-cut crystal. This palette sets the groundwork to add that colorful magic with the individually selected pieces of china.
For me, partial to the pinks and the lilacs, it should be remembered that the most important element is not the actual colors you choose, but sticking to the use of similar and complimentary colors in the full seasonal tableau. Paying close attention to which pieces are placed next to each other is also important, just as it would be if you were painting a great masterpiece on canvas not wishing to place the ears beside the ankles! My preference is to put bolder florals next to simpler ones, aiming for a visual balance. When my plate stack is complex, I always choose to keep napkins and other table linens clean and pure white. I’m a huge fan of the white embroidered linen, but will often deviate to a cotton or cotton-linen blend because of the wrinkle factor associated with 100% linen. To add a bit of Hollywood sparkle and glitz, who can beat the addition of these exquisite crystal napkin rings that are among my favorite "table jewelry".

Once my dishes are selected, the elements around them decidely neutral and elegant, it's time to work out the florals. Vintage and antique china pitchers often serve as excellent and decorative vases that help to continue the seasonal theme. Fill them with blooms that echo the colors of your tableware and those of the specific season.

Once done, take a moment to savor the beauty of your mismatched landscape and then head off to the kitchen to plan the menu!
Groovy is the owner of the online vintage department store BuyfromGroovy and also sells from within the Etsy marketplace where her shop is typically an Etsy Top 1% performer in its category.